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Calendar -2019

Activity Date
Beginning of the academic year (2019 - 2020) 25/8 / 2019
Placement test The first week of September
Parents Meeting (First) The second week of September
First mid-term test The second week of October
Parents Meeting (Second) End of November
End of first semester test Grades (1-4) 18/12/2019 - 26/12/2019
Grades (5-10) 29/12/2019 - 5/1/2020
Grade (11) 29/12/2019 - 9/1 2020
Grade (12) 7/1/2020 - 30/1/2020
Optional subjects 1 - 2/1/2020
Beginning of second semester 9/2/2020
Delivery of reports Second week of February
Third Parents Meeting End of February
Mid-term test second semester The second week of March
Delivery of reports The first week of April
Parents' Meeting (4th) The first week of April
End of year exam End of the year
Grades (1-4) 4/5/2020 - 12/5/2020
Grades (5-10) 13/5/2020 - 20/5/2020
Grade (11) 13/5/2020 - 31/5/2020
Grade (12) 31/5/2020 - 25/6/2020
Individual Skills 18 - 19/5/2020
Session Exams Grades (5-10) 7/6/2020 - 14/6/2020
Grade (11) 9/6/2020 - 22/6/2020
Grade (12) 17/8/2020 - 10/9/2020
The beginning of the next academic year (2020-2021) 23 August 2020